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Tips on How to Avoid the Heat while On Vacation

Our tips on how to enjoy your vacation to the fullest as you travel in Southern Europe.

by Federica on

How to Stay Cool During Your Southern Europe City Vacation

Southern Europe is a dream destination for many travelers, boasting stunning architecture, rich history, and delicious cuisine. However, the intense summer heat can sometimes be overwhelming. Here are some practical tips to help you stay cool and make the most of your vacation without succumbing to the scorching temperatures.

1. Plan Your Day Wisely and Visit Air-Conditioned Attractions

The heat in Southern Europe peaks between noon and 4 PM. To avoid the hottest part of the day, plan your activities for early morning or late afternoon. Use the midday hours to rest, enjoy a leisurely lunch in a shaded café, or visit indoor attractions like museums and galleries.

2. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to staying comfortable in the heat. Always carry a water bottle with you and take frequent sips throughout the day. Southern European cities often have public water fountains, so take advantage of these to refill your bottle. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine, as they can lead to dehydration.

3. Dress Appropriately

Lightweight, loose-fitting clothing made of natural fabrics like cotton and linen can help keep you cool. Light colors reflect sunlight, whereas dark colors absorb it, so opt for whites, pastels, and other light hues. Don’t forget a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.

4. Seek Shade

When exploring the city, try to stay in the shade as much as possible. Tree-lined streets, awnings, and covered markets can offer relief from the sun. Many historic cities in Southern Europe have narrow streets that provide natural shade, so take advantage of these when planning your route.

5. Use Cooling Accessories

Cooling towels, handheld fans, and misting sprays can be lifesavers in the heat. These accessories are lightweight and easy to carry, providing instant relief when the temperature soars. Soak a cooling towel in water and drape it around your neck or use a portable fan to create a breeze on demand.

6. Take Advantage of Siesta

The siesta, a traditional afternoon nap, is still observed in many parts of Southern Europe. This break coincides with the hottest part of the day, making it the perfect time to rest in your air-conditioned hotel room or a cool café. Embrace the local culture and give yourself a break from the heat.

7. Enjoy Cool Treats

Indulge in refreshing local treats like gelato and granita in Italy or chilled tapas in Spain. These delicious snacks can help cool you down and provide a delightful culinary experience. Look for air-conditioned ice cream parlors or shaded outdoor seating areas to enjoy your treats comfortably.

8. Take It Easy

Finally, remember that you’re on vacation! There is no need to rush from one attraction to another. Take your time, enjoy the leisurely pace of Southern European life, and give yourself plenty of breaks. Listen to your body and rest when needed to avoid heat exhaustion.


A vacation in Southern Europe can be a memorable experience, filled with beautiful sights and cultural wonders. By following these tips, you can beat the heat and ensure your trip is enjoyable and comfortable. Stay hydrated, seek shade, and plan your activities wisely to make the most of your time in these stunning cities.

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